Released: 2010 | PC Game | ENG RUS | Developer: AGEod | Publisher: Matrix Games | 897 Mb
Genre: Strategy (Turn-based / Wargame) / Top-down
Heroes of the Civil: Red vs. White 1918-1923 - a historical strategy, dedicated to one of the most tragic and heroic periods in Russian history. This game is accurate in every detail and with great attention to detail plays a fratricidal war, raging over 5 years, Russia monstrous conflagration. Old concepts of honor and nobility noble goal to save the Great Russia come into conflict with people's revolution and the Bolshevik ideology and armed conflict - the only way to resolve the conflict.
Military news of the XX century, born in the inferno of World Mechanical killer - machine guns, tanks, planes, armored trains - will gather abundant harvest on the battlefields of the Civil, but the generalship and the art of diplomatic chief in this war are immeasurably more important. To fix the infrastructure, establish a consistent supply of troops, enlist the support of the population and break the resistance of the enemy - that's your goal in the game "Heroes of the Civil: Red vs. White 1918-1923."
"Historical Realism: Hundreds of actually existing officers and arms carefully moved to the game;
"Large selection of the opposing sides: the Red Army led by Trotsky, the counter-revolutionary forces of General Denikin, Kolchak, Siberian troops, white and red Finns, the Polish army, Marshal Pilsudski;
"Large-scale military operations in the vast area from Poland to the Pacific;
"The repression, rebellion and requisition - policy instruments: conquer the popular support or hold him to a ruthless dictatorship of the nail;
"All available weapons era airplanes, tanks, armored, infantry and cavalry;
"The ability to change the history of Russia, by selecting the scenario of" what if? "

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