Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment [ 2009 ]
Last year's Sins of a Solar Empire was an undeniably amazing experience; so much so, in fact, that it won our game of the year award. But that doesn't mean that the teams at Ironclad or Stardock are resting on their laurels. They've recently released the first micro-expansion for the game, Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment. Featuring some compelling new defense oriented additions, numerous gameplay tweaks, and a ten-dollar price tag, it's a guaranteed way to extend the fun and flexibility of the Sins of a Solar Empire experience.
One of the frustrations in the original game was that players would have to switch their fleets back and forth between offense and defense. Too often, your assaults on an enemy system would be interrupted by hostile incursions into your own territory. You'd then have to pull units away from your invasion force to fight off whatever enemies were being sent against your planets. This was particularly painful with the massive pirate invasions that cropped up towards the middle and later stages of the game. The only remedies to this problem were either to divide your forces or to fill up each and every tactical slot available with gun emplacements. The first option left your attacking fleets underpowered and the second option gave enemies a chance to skirt by your fixed defenses to attack your assets from a safer direction.

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