Left 4 Dead 2 The Passing
Genre: Action / Horror (Tactical / Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Left 4 Dead2: The Passing: Addon L4D2: The Passing, which will become a bridgebetween the first and second part of the game will tell a meeting of twoteams who survived the invasion of zombies. The aim of the newformation is obvious: to overcome the immediate danger zone. Alas, notall will survive the meeting, one of the heroes, known by the firstpart, will die and in addition does not appear.
Transition – acontinuation of the events that took place after the campaign Extinctcenter that took place in a suburb of Georgia. We can not surviveforever. Youll learn why the death of one of the characters – ravebitten developers.
Features of DLC:
- A new single-player and co-operative company in which the four survivors of L4D2 meet the characters of the first game;
-New multiplayer game modes, called Mutations; a diverse set of modsgreatly enliven the game, all scheduled appearance 20 mutations – fromRealism Versus Mode before Chainsaw Massacre, giving players a chainsawwith an unlimited supply of fuel;
- A new weapon: golf clubs, and M-60;
- A new class of zombie-boss (the fallen vyzhivshye);
-New version of AI – Director 2.0, which allows the director tomodify, at its discretion, weather effects, move objects, changing theroute, increasing the number of enemies, as well as randomly generatedsound effects to play produced at the player more experience.

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