Thegood news is that many of the cool features of Act of War return inHigh Treason. Infantry are very useful in High Treason, since they canstorm buildings, expel any defenders, and then barricade themselvesinside. The neat resource system that relies less on gatheringresources and more on capturing and holding prisoners is back. Andyou'll once again have the cool mix of familiar high-tech andexperimental weapons that you saw in Act of War. These include Abramstanks, Stryker assault vehicles, Black Hawk helicopters, and infantrypower armor. You also have access to some new types of units in HighTreason. One of the easiest ways to boost your force is to hiremercenaries, which are specialized, powerful units that cost a fairamount of money to purchase and maintain, but whose presence could turnthe tide of battle. For instance, you can hire a team of medics to healyour troops, or summon air defenses to help deflect enemy air raids.
[center]Theother new addition is naval warfare, which now gives you carriers,destroyers, and submarines to control, though their presence is limitedto water maps. Still, that opens up a whole new dimension of warfare.Multiplayer has been enhanced a bit in the expansion, mainly with theaddition of more configuration options at the beginning of a match. Youcan adjust unit lethality, toggle prisoners, tweak game speed, andmore. Otherwise, the fast-paced multiplayer remains the same.
Game Features:
*New campaign featuring the characters from the original game plus a newcast of characters who interact to create another classictechno-thriller.
* New naval combat provides a fully-fledged modern naval RTS within the game itself.
*Nine units for hire that range from close assault troops with Benellishotguns to Roland SAM systems, SU-25 Froogfoot CAS aircraft, and evenF-117 stealth bombers that can be called into any part of the map.
*Each faction receives new units and upgrades such as Stinger infantryand Kiowa recon helicopters for the U.S. Army, Tu-126 Bombers and HindAT-6 missiles for the Consortium, and GUOS mine upgrades.
* Adramatic increase in multiplayer options including: map wealth,resource sharing, super-weapons on/off, resource harvesting speedsettings, and unit lethality toggling as well as new game modes such asMarine One Down and SCUD Launcher.
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