Pathologic |PC| 1,15GB
In the depths of the ancient steppe is a small town. Animals, children, governors, the ghosts of the past, young people and the vicious characters of prehistoric fears for several generations inexplicably get along in this cauldron. Meat, blood, leather, from the soil, broke through the stone streets of the city, grows on the other side of the river and a crystal rose blossoms.
Children are happy. Animals in disarray. City intoxicated. People are in fear.
Depending on the player's actions strange city will perish or remain there - for good luck or misfortune. Many characters can be saved, many - is doomed to death. No one can stay in debt. Each pursues his goal. The resulting alignment will determine the final of this story. All together it creates an unparalleled glow and the level of involvement in the creation of action - the game-mystery.

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