Summer. Hotness. Dissolved in the midday heat of a small Korean village is asleep, and nothing breaks silence viscous, viscous, like honey of wild bees ... Until recently there was very lively. Near a small church, which settled headquarters, guards were patrolling. The machine gunners were smoking, leaning against the strengthened with sandbags calculation. Two mechanics repairing a battered armored jeep, and swore quietly released sebaceous joke to the young nurses. Entrenched in the tower snipers watching the scene around him, without losing sight of how they thought, nothing ... After the bloody bodies of the two snipers fell directly on the head mechanics, followed by the grenades landed a bunch of time seemed to stand still. The explosion engulfed and the jeep, and those who have to repair it, and rushed for some reason on the threshold of the hospital nurses. Introduced in the tower people in the form of riot police professionalism, as in the dash, shot trying to deploy his weapon toward the jungle gunners. Following this, from the shadows of trees on the area left a detachment, who completed the rout, finishing off doctors from the hospital, staff officers and destroying all that we could not carry away. The battle ended quickly, almost instantly, and looked like a well rehearsed play. But in fact this was the performance. The bloody idea, the actors in which lived and died on the script, directed the war ...
- "Korea: Forgotten Conflict" - a new tactical real time strategy game that unfolds during the armed confrontation between North and South Korea.
- Five campaigns that have joined a dozen of detailed missions, each of which has several options for passage.
- Recreated with a high degree of historical authenticity weapons, uniforms, equipment and buildings of the time.
- Colorful, recognizable characters - the men a small commando group, each of which has unique qualities, skills, abilities and expertise.
- Fully three-dimensional, saturated with special effects graphics, allowing the player to construct his own original tactic of passing.
- A variety, unlike one another in mission-related performance of a wide range of tasks: convoy, the release of hostages, the destruction of the fortified bases of the enemy, street fights, and much more.

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