Lead the men in green pants through the Sherwood Forrest and fight theevil Sheriff of Nottingham. Robin Hood is a teambasedrealtime-strategy game from the developers of Desperados. You cancontrol up to six different characters with different trades in amixture of realtime-action, strategy and sneaking... You have to killenemies, make them drunk (Friar Tucks special ability) andinvestigate the area... All six characters have different specialabilities and weapons. If you dont want to kill people, make themunconscious and tie them up with Stutely, for example... Robin Hood ismuch like other team-based rts - as Desperados or Commandos - justwith the trashy-touch of the old Robin Hood movies. So, a lot oftactical and strategical knowledge is needed to free the land from theevil Sheriff of Nottingham...

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