Vampire: The Masquerade Redemption - FLT (PC/ENG/2000)
PC | Full ISO | Developer: Nihilistic Software, Inc. | 1.08 Gb
Publisher: Activision, Inc.
Genre: RPG
Itis the Middle Ages in Europe, and people live in constant fear ofdemons and Gods punishment. Christof is a warrior who fights thecreatures of darkness. After being badly injured in a battle, he isnursed back to health by the nun Anezka in a Prague convent. Lovestrikes Christof when he least expects it. He realizes that it isimpossible for him and Anezka to be together, but he swears to protecther and the town of Prague from demons. What he does not know is thatPrague has become a battlefield for the struggle between differentvampire clans. The Brujah clan sees a duty in protecting their wisdomand the unsuspecting mortals from the more vicious clans. They turnChristof into a vampire, hoping to use his skills and his passion fortheir cause. Christof has lost his soul, his faith, everything he hadever had, becoming one of those he had always fought and hated. But hislove to Anezka has not died. And so Christof agrees to help the Brujah,getting involved in a complex net of intrigues and struggle betweenvampire clans, a struggle that will eventually take him to modern times,to London and New York, where his fate will finally be decided. Vampire:The Masquerade - Redemption is based on White Wolfs pen-and-paper RPG.Gaining experience points, you develop Christof and other characters byincreasing their statistics (such as Strength, Intelligence,Manipulation etc.) or learn and improve various disciplines, the magicspells of the game. Disciplines require blood, which can be restoredwith items or by feeding on enemies. Combat is done in real time. Youhave a party (coterie) that is controlled by AI, but you can switchbetween different characters at any time. Following the ethical code ofthe RPG, there is a Humanity bar for Christof, which can be reduces ifyou kill innocents or take evil decisions in the game. The game hasseveral different endings that depend on your Humanity level. There isalso a multiplayer option.
- Live as the Undead: As Christof, avampire of the Brujah Clan, you must fight and feed on the blood ofmortals, while hiding your vampiric powers and controlling the urges ofthe beast within you. Along the way, you are joined by other vampireswho will fight by your side as you solve a series of quests surrounding adeep story.
- Powerful 3-D Engine: Your World of Darkness iscreated by the Nod Engine, developed by Nihilistic. Dramatic lighting,fog effects and gorgeous textures bring the medieval cities of Pragueand Vienna to life, and twist the modern landscape of London and NewYork into a gothic nightmare.
- Innovative Multiplayer Design:Vampire: The Masquerade-Redemption will change the way computer RPGs areplayed online with its Storyteller mode, which allows one player tocreate and run an adventure of their own. Multiplayer features includeco-op play, and the option to play as the hunter or the hunted.
-Immortal RPG Appeal: Based on the popular tabletop role-playing game,the PC version of Vampire: The Masquerade offers fans of the series atrue translation of their beloved story. Even gamers and RPG fansunfamiliar with the series will enjoy the incredible 3-D graphics, deepstoryline and engrossing gameplay.
PC | Full ISO | Developer: Nihilistic Software, Inc. | 1.08 Gb
Publisher: Activision, Inc.
Genre: RPG
Itis the Middle Ages in Europe, and people live in constant fear ofdemons and Gods punishment. Christof is a warrior who fights thecreatures of darkness. After being badly injured in a battle, he isnursed back to health by the nun Anezka in a Prague convent. Lovestrikes Christof when he least expects it. He realizes that it isimpossible for him and Anezka to be together, but he swears to protecther and the town of Prague from demons. What he does not know is thatPrague has become a battlefield for the struggle between differentvampire clans. The Brujah clan sees a duty in protecting their wisdomand the unsuspecting mortals from the more vicious clans. They turnChristof into a vampire, hoping to use his skills and his passion fortheir cause. Christof has lost his soul, his faith, everything he hadever had, becoming one of those he had always fought and hated. But hislove to Anezka has not died. And so Christof agrees to help the Brujah,getting involved in a complex net of intrigues and struggle betweenvampire clans, a struggle that will eventually take him to modern times,to London and New York, where his fate will finally be decided. Vampire:The Masquerade - Redemption is based on White Wolfs pen-and-paper RPG.Gaining experience points, you develop Christof and other characters byincreasing their statistics (such as Strength, Intelligence,Manipulation etc.) or learn and improve various disciplines, the magicspells of the game. Disciplines require blood, which can be restoredwith items or by feeding on enemies. Combat is done in real time. Youhave a party (coterie) that is controlled by AI, but you can switchbetween different characters at any time. Following the ethical code ofthe RPG, there is a Humanity bar for Christof, which can be reduces ifyou kill innocents or take evil decisions in the game. The game hasseveral different endings that depend on your Humanity level. There isalso a multiplayer option.
- Live as the Undead: As Christof, avampire of the Brujah Clan, you must fight and feed on the blood ofmortals, while hiding your vampiric powers and controlling the urges ofthe beast within you. Along the way, you are joined by other vampireswho will fight by your side as you solve a series of quests surrounding adeep story.
- Powerful 3-D Engine: Your World of Darkness iscreated by the Nod Engine, developed by Nihilistic. Dramatic lighting,fog effects and gorgeous textures bring the medieval cities of Pragueand Vienna to life, and twist the modern landscape of London and NewYork into a gothic nightmare.
- Innovative Multiplayer Design:Vampire: The Masquerade-Redemption will change the way computer RPGs areplayed online with its Storyteller mode, which allows one player tocreate and run an adventure of their own. Multiplayer features includeco-op play, and the option to play as the hunter or the hunted.
-Immortal RPG Appeal: Based on the popular tabletop role-playing game,the PC version of Vampire: The Masquerade offers fans of the series atrue translation of their beloved story. Even gamers and RPG fansunfamiliar with the series will enjoy the incredible 3-D graphics, deepstoryline and engrossing gameplay.

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