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Monday, October 31, 2011

The Thing

PC | 2002 | DEVELOPER : Computer Artworks Ltd. | PUBLISHER: Black Label Games | 283 MB
Genre : Adventure/Survival Horror

Takingplace after the events in John Carpenters 1982 film, The Thing is asurvival horror game set in an abandoned base somewhere in theAntarctic. As part of the team sent to investigate what happened,players are pitted against a powerful monster that can morph into thepeople it preys upon. The game offers elements of action, puzzlesolving, and exploration as players learn more about the creature thatshunting them down.

Various characters can be interacted with as thegame progresses, and their reaction may depend on how well playersrespond to their tension. Weapons such as flamethrowers and machine gunscan be used on enemies, or players can build their own weapons fromparts found throughout the base. Encountered puzzles can be solved usingmore than one method, setting this game apart from others in the genre.

Features the song After Me by Saliva
Multiple paths can be taken to solve problems
Emotions such as fear and trust must be managed while exploring the outpost
Fight enemies using flamethrowers, rifles, explosives and more
Tutorial option and three different control schemes available