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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup

Developer: Electronic Arts
Genre: Alt. Sports
Release Date: Oct 28, 2003
Size: 734MB

The games based on J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter franchise have always been great commercial successes, riding the coattails of the wildly popular books. The games' publisher, Electronic Arts, has boldly attempted to branch out from the action adventure games by creating a "sports" game based on the fictional sport of quidditch, which is described in the various Harry Potter books and depicted in the films. While Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup is a decent first effort at simulating the chosen sport of wizards, it falls short of its promise primarily because of sluggish controls and shallow gameplay.
For those who aren't familiar with the Harry Potter books or films, quidditch is roughly analogous to airborne soccer. Seven players on each team ride broomsticks around a huge arena while chasing and interacting with four balls that are in play simultaneously. Three vertical hoops of varying height stand on each end of the oval field, or "pitch," as it's called. These hoops represent the goal-scoring area for each team.